In this video Andy shows you how to perform the "Name it" card trick. The presenter suggests introducing yourself quickly and then ask someone in the audience for a name. Count up the number of letters in the persons name (for instance David is five letters). You then split and reverse five cards. You then ask the audience member to cut the deck in half. Then double under break the remaining cards. Then place the selected card under the reversed card. Then ask the audience member his name...
Check out this tutorial for a cool magic trick that you can easily perform for your friends.All this trick requires is a little preparation and you will be wowing crowds in the bar in no time.
This is a fun trick to perform on your friends, anywhere. First, explain to your buddies that your deck of cards is special and acts just like an ATM. They'll naturally be confused and ask you to prove it. That is when you take a low number card from your deck, swipe it, and turn it into a card worth twice as much!
In this clip, you will learn the secrets to doing a seemingly impossible card trick. This trick requires two cards and some sneaky fingers. Make it appear as though the you are sliding two cards in and out of each other, and that one of them has magically reversed itself. This trick will amaze you when you learn how it is really done, and will definitely impress any audience. So have fun with it and shock your friends!
The card trick in this tutorial is great for beginners and seasoned magicians alike. In the video you will learn how to present a deck of cards to two spectators and amaze them with slight of hand.
Hello,A few days ago a friend showed me an awsome card trick but he wont teach me.Ill try todescribe the trick the best i can and hopefully you guys can help me.He took the pack, counted 10 cards and gave them to me.He told me to count the cards myself and so i did. I had exactlly 10 cards.Then he told me to put the cards on the table and cover them with my arm.
Nobody likes being suckered by a con, but when you're the one doing the con, it's a completely different story. Especially when it's something as classy as Three-Card Monte. If you know the tricks and have the moves, there's no reason why you can win every time, like a good dealer should.
You know that guy who does the cheesy card trick to get the attention of all the girls at the party? Well, we kinda hate that guy don't we? But, if we could be that guy, it might not be so bad.
This video shows the reveal of a great beginner card trick, called the Alternate trick. It's an easy and impressive one to learn. MrStuckyJ's performance and tutorial of this card trick are here.
This card trick is a knockout! Actually, it's a double knockout! Follow this easy, step-by-step tutorial and learn how to perform this clever little magic trick. You'll need a deck of cards and some good dexterity in those fingers!
Enhance your visual skills and demonstrate your manual dexterity as a magician by incorporating the "Synapse" card fluorish by Ayres into your repertoire. Playing card fluorishes are typically performed as part of larger magic performances and can also be shown on their own as individual exhibitions of skill.
Enhance your visual skills and demonstrate your manual dexterity as a magician by incorporating the "RockIt" card fluorish by Ayres into your repertoire. Playing card fluorishes are typically performed as part of larger magic performances and can also be shown on their own as individual exhibitions of skill.
Here's an easy do-it-yourself illusion that will let you make a deck of cards vanish! This detailed video shows you the magic trick, the reveal and what you'll need, to create the illusion. You're going to want to have a deck of cards, including the deck's box, scissors, some scraps of cardboard, some clear tape and some glue. Then, abracadabra!
Mentalism and card magic work great together, as the trick that you will learn how to do in this video so eloquently demonstrates. It's called the Deck Divination Effect, and this video will show you the trick and then exactly how to do it for your next close-up magic show.
In this video, you'll be shown how to do the famous 3 card monte magic trick. For your audience, all they have to do is follow the ace. What your audience doesn't know is that the magic trick isn't as simple as that. With a little sleight of hand, you'll amaze your friends with your magic skill.
Self-working card tricks are the easiest and most intuitive to perform, requiring no sleight of hand at all and relying instead on math. In this video you'll learn how to do Matching Mates, a beginner self-working card magic trick that will get your card magic up and running.
Magic tricks that will work well in crowd on drunk people are some of the most useful ones you can learn, and this trick is that in spades. It's called Healed n' Sealed, requires the construction of a trick can, and you will learn how to do it in this video.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to perform the "Sybil" top-pack retention card trick. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video card magic lesson.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to perform the "Message Morph" card trick. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video card magic lesson.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to perform a simple-but-effective false cut when doing sleight-of-hand card tricks. For more information about the technique and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this cut into your own routines, watch this free video card-magic lesson.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to perform variations on the same effect when performing card tricks. For more information about these presentation techniques and their execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video card magic lesson.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to perform the "Down and Dirty" card trick. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video card magic lesson.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to perform the "Symmetry" card flourish. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this flourish into your own routines, watch this free video card trick magic lesson.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to how to palm like a professional when doing sleight-of-hand card tricks. For more information about the technique and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video card magic lesson.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to perform the "The Ten of Hearts" (or "TheTenofHearts") card trick. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video card magic lesson.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to perform a simple ACAAN card trick. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video card magic lesson.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to perform the "Impromptu" card trick. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video card magic lesson.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to perform the "Amazing 13" card trick. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video card magic lesson.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to perform the "The Deck Knows" card trick. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video card magic lesson.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to perform the "Interactive Switch" card trick. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video card magic lesson.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to perform the "Killer Instinct" card trick. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video card magic lesson.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to perform an impressive ACAAN card trick using two decks and the Si Stebbins stack method. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video card magic lesson.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to perform the "Force Factor" card trick. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video card magic lesson.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to perform the "Alternating Prediction" card trick. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video card magic lesson.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to perform a simple, mathematical card trick. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video card magic lesson.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to perform the "Not Playing with a Full Deck" card trick. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video card magic lesson.
Effect: The performer announces a few tests of telepathy and steps into audience with a pack of cards on a napkin-covered tray. Anyone cuts and deals 25 onto the tray and the performer pockets the rest. The tray is carried along and five spectators each select a card. The last selector takes the pack and shuffles back his card, handing it to one of the others who does likewise until all cards have been shuffled by the spectators themselves. The tray is handed off to assistant (later the medium)...
Want to learn a card trick that will blow your mind? This is the one for you, that's why it's called "WTF"! So, watch and pay attention to see how this magic card trick is performed. This is a beginner-style trick, so don't worry if you're no pro— you can still do it! It's more of a mathematical card trick.
This is a video tutorial in the Magic & Parlor Tricks category where you are going to learn how to do card tricks: "Mismag822" card trick revealed. This is really easy for beginners. Ask someone to tell you a number from one to ten and count up those many cards from the deck and place them face down on a table. Now count out the same number of cards two more times and put them on the table. Then ask them to place the rest of the pack on any one of the piles. Next ask them to pick up any one of...
This is a video tutorial in the Magic & Parlor Tricks category where you are going to learn how to do the "Three Aces" card trick. For this trick you need a deck of cards and you shuffle it nicely. Then you flip the deck and reveal the center part of the card and say it is the ace of hearts. The actual card is the 3 of hearts. Place this card face down on the table. You repeat this process and similarly take out a clubs and diamonds card. Then you perform a magic gesture and say all three cards...
This is a video tutorial in the Magic & Parlor Tricks category where you are going to learn how to do card trick: "Emerge Triumphant". Have the deck of cards completely in the standard form in which it comes. The sequence is spades, diamonds, clubs and hearts. The trick is keeping the deck in the order it comes, do straight cuts, swivel cuts, one handed cuts and false riffle shuffle. It shows riffling, shuffling and cutting the deck. But, when you expose the deck, it is still in the same order....
Card magic is the best type of magic for most people. It's impressive, best done close up, and requires little if any equipment other than a deck of cards. Watch this video to learn the Twisted Sister trick, which does require some props but creates a really cool effect.
This video reveals how a magic trick which was performed by Criss Angel, in which your card deck appears to change colors. For this trick, you will need two decks of cards, one which is red and one which is blue. You then have to use double sided tape to tape a red card to a blue one, so that you appear to have a card which is red on one side and blue on the other. The rest of the cards will be from the blue deck. Place the double-sided red card on top of the deck so that it appears that the...
This video shows a very basic magic card trick which was created by the person who made the video. This magic trick is perfect for beginners and is simple. First, you should separate the cards into four piles, asking the other person to pick a card from one of the decks. You then should place their card at the bottom of one of the decks and stack the other three on top of that deck. Then you hand the deck to the other person, making sure that you quickly see the card at the bottom of the deck,...
In this video, we learn how to perform a convincing false riffle shuffle. Start off with one deck of cards. After this, riffle the cards off half way and do a standard shuffle. Bend the cards up after this, then use your pinkie and pointer finger to touch each other. When you release, the cards are naturally going to separate from each other. They will push off in opposite directions because of the way you are working the cards. Square it up on the edges, then square on the back and use your...